ATMs get covid-ready, set to go contactless

ATMs get covid-ready, set to go contactless

Most of us would find going to an ATM fraught with risk as the covid-19 infection threat looms over us. At an ATM kiosk, you end up touching various surfaces—from the door knob to the keypad or the screen of the ATM itself.

Some banks are realizing that the only true way to reassure people in this environment, apart from taking sanitizing measures, is to eliminate the need to touch the same ATM screen or keypad as others.


Here’s how banks are trying to make ATM kiosks safer for customers amid the covid-19 pandemic and how the ATM industry is expected to evolve to meet your various needs.

Touchless Experience

Contactless cash withdrawals from ATMs may soon be a reality.

AGS Transact Technologies, payment solutions company, has developed a prototype of a “touchless” cash withdrawal solution. “Cardholders can now withdraw cash from an ATM machine by scanning a QR code on its screen without having to touch the surface. Banks are required to make only a software upgrade to enable this feature on their ATM network. The bank’s customer can perform all the steps required to withdraw cash from an ATM using the mobile application, which includes entering the withdrawal amount and MPIN required to dispense the cash from the ATM machine.” said Ravi B. Goyal, chairman and managing director, AGS Transact…….Read More>>


Source:- techiyogiz


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