Digital Election Voting Card to be lauched and How to Avail it

Digital Election Voting Card to be lauched and How to Avail it

Election Commission (EC) is keen to make the Elector’s Photo Identity Card or EPIC available in electronic form. In other words, you could soon carry your Voter ID Card on your phone just like an electronic boarding pass that is downloadable ahead of a journey by air.

“EC has not taken a final decision in this regard yet. We keep getting suggestions and ideas from officers on fields, through working groups of (state) chief electoral officers and public. This is one such idea we are working on,” an election commission official told.


“Voter ID  can be on a mobile website, through email… The idea is to provide faster delivery and easy accessibility. The physical card takes time to print and time to reach the voter,” the official said. The picture of the voter in digital mode will be clearer.

To avail this facility, an eligible voter will have to provide her mobile number or email address to the EC machinery at the time of applying for enrolment in the voters’ list.

Once her name is included in the electoral roll, she will be intimated through an SMS or email. The new voter can then download the Voter Card through OTP (One Time Password) authentication

Existing voters may have to reverify their details with the EC (similar to the Bank KYC process) and provide their email or mobile phone number to get their cards in the electronic form……Read More>>


Source:- techiyogiz


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