No Electricity? Your Power Company will Pay You as Relief

No Electricity? Your Power Company will Pay You as Relief

The regulations are formulated to make sure that the customers get the best service for the money that they pay, regardless of which entity (government or private) serves them. “Discoms must realize that they are to serve consumers and not vice versa. Consumers are paying not to suffer inefficiency of Discoms but for a certain standard service”, said Power Minister P K Singh in an interview.

Here are New Rules :-


Singh announced that the distribution companies will be held accountable for suspicious or malicious outages. Discoms will be fined with Rs 1 Lakh and will have to provide services like installation of new connected, replacement of meter, changing load within stringent timelines as compensation.

“These rules emanate from the conviction that the power systems exist to serve the consumers and the consumers have rights to get the services and reliable, quality electricity… Power is a concurrent subject and under the (Electricity) act the center has the authority to frame laws and rules… These rules are not optional (for states) and violations would result in penalties”, the minister stated in the announcement.

In Which These Rules Going To Be Implemented

The new norms have encouraged the Discoms to adopt electronic services and online payment methods….Read More>>


Source:- techiyogiz


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