Failed ATM Transactions

Penalty For Failed ATM Transactions at Banks due to Insufficient Balance

Penalty For Failed ATM Transactions at Banks due to Insufficient Balance

ATM screen will flash a message informing you of ‘insufficient funds’, while you will be charged with a nominal fee for a failed ATM transaction too. This is why it is always advisable to check your balance prior to conducting an ATM withdrawal. You can always make use of options like SMS and call facilities to know your available balance and avoid an unnecessary overhead charge for a failed transaction due to insufficient account balance.

We will be enlisting the additional fee charged by some of the top banks in the country, for a failed ATM transaction (due to insufficient balance) so that you can be well-known in future.


Decline Fee Charged by Different Banks (for Insuff Bal) 


SBI will charge a fee of Rs. 20 plus GST for transaction decline due to insufficient balance.


Transactions declined at other Bank ATMs anywhere in the world or at a Merchant outlet outside India due to insufficient funds will be charged at Rs. 25 per transaction (plus taxes as applicable).


Decline of transaction…….Read More>>


Source:- techiyogiz


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